Leave It All On The Dancefloor
If Life is a dance, what role do you play in yours?
Are you the choreographer, the one in the spotlight, the judge or maybe hiding in the wings cheering someone else on?
Are you in the audience watching things as they pass you by or are you actively, and intentionally taking control of the what’s happening “on stage”?
More importantly, is that the role you imagined for yourself?
Leave it All on the Dance Floor is more than just a memoir or a self-help tome. Author Laura Cooke includes guided reflection spaces throughout the book; offering tools and resources to start of the next chapter of your story titled The Rest of Your Life.
It’s time for you to step into the spotlight and claim the life you were meant to have.
Are you ready to leave it all on the dance floor?

Meet The Author
Laura Cooke
Laura is a Sr. Leadership Development Consultant and lifelong seeker. She has known since a young age that she wanted to make a difference in the world… she just didn’t know what that difference was.
Turning to the greats, she became a Certified Success PrinciplesTM Trainer and Certified Dare To Lead FacilitatorTM which brought her closer to her knowing.
Her true “teacher” however, was the road she traveled from ambition to failure and eventual recovery. She wishes to “normalize” failure as part of the journey and looks to provide the support she lacked to others as they navigate theirs.
Falling Short Of Your Dreams…
Laura understands first-hand that pain.
Seeking inspiration from those who never gave up on a more fulfilling life, she collaborated with 23 remarkable women who share their experience of navigating unexpected, and sometimes horrific realities, only to emerge with new purpose and hope. The common thread between these women and Laura is a desire to rise above any circumstance that threaten to drag them down.
Through a series of inspiring stories and thought-provoking exercises, Laura reveals the path to a future aligned with personal vision as she shares an important reminder “it is NEVER too late to follow your dreams”.
“As women, we often give so much of ourselves to others, that we let our lives and dreams slip away.”
~ Laura Cooke
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Did Leave It All On The Dancefloor inspire you to take action in some element of your life? If so, I’d love to hear about it and possibly include you in my next book!

Listen To Podcast
Coming Soon.
In the meantime, listen to “Leave It All On The Dancefloor" song.
Written by Laura
Music by her husband, Chris
Vocals performed by Chris and Madison (Laura’s Stepdaughter)